Online Safety at St. Andrew's

St Andrew's School

Online Safety at St. Andrew's

Please find listed below a number of links and resources that will provide parents and children information on keeping safe online. 


A wide range of information on keeping children safe online. 

NSPCC Net Aware

Net Aware brings together the NSPCC's expertise in protecting children and O2's tech know-how. They've got everything you need to help you keep your kids safe whilst online.

Parent Info 

Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.

UK Safer Internet Centre

A wide range of information on keeping children safe online. 


A wide range of information on keeping children safe online. 

Common Sense Media

Since 2003, Common Sense Media has been the leading independent source for media recommendations and advice for families. The website features suitability reviews for a wide range of media (ranging from movies and tv shows to video games) that may help parents decide what is suitable for children to access.

BBC Own It 

Questions, answers and tools to help you make the most of your time online. BBC Own It features hints, tips, videos and quizzes for parents and children.