Clubs, Activities & Trips

St Andrew's School

Clubs, Activities & Trips

Children enjoy school outside the curriculum, with an extensive range of clubs from Tap, Robotics, Art, Athletics, Choir, Gardening, Cooking and much more.

As part of our commitment to educating and developing the whole child, we recognise the importance of providing a wide range of co-curricular activities.

Optional one-to-one music tuition is available on a range of instruments; piano, guitar and voice.

We believe that learning does not just take place within the classroom and a variety of trips to places of interest are organised for each year group throughout the year. From Year 3, pupils are offered opportunities to attend residential trips, where they can try a variety of outward-bound activities.

We also receive visits to school from theatre groups and expert speakers. Parents representing a range of professions have also shared their expertise with the children.

For details of forthcoming trips and activities, have a look at our calendar.