Fundamental British Values

St Andrew's School

Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values are actively promoted at St. Andrew’s through our school curriculum, school policies and the ethos of the school. 

Democracy | The Rules of Law | Individual Liberty | Mutual RespectTolerance of Different Faiths 

To begin to develop our children’s respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process:
  • All children participate in the democratic process of voting for a member of their class to represent them as a form captain and a vice-captain on a termly basis
  • All children are involved in electing a School Parliament representative for their class during the year
  • The principle of Democracy is explored in an age appropriate fashion in History and RE lessons across the school, as well as in Assemblies
  • Whole School voting takes place e.g. to vote for a Charity that we will be raising money for.
  • Decisions are made by majority voting which reflects accurately one of the cornerstones of British culture

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The Rule of Law
To begin to develop respect and understanding for the need for rules and laws to enable people to function together in a community and society as a whole:
  • All our children are encouraged to explore and to devise laws, which govern their behaviour both within the classroom and also in the wider community. Each class devises a set of class rules or a ‘learning agreement’ to assist in their understanding
  • Children follow the five ‘Golden Rules’
  • Children are encouraged to explore the values and expectations behind the laws which govern and protect the UK and which are reflected in the St. Andrew’s Home School Agreement
  • Our PSCHE curriculum covers a variety of aspects including rights & responsibilities, drugs awareness and how to keep yourself safe
  • Visits from authorities such as the Police and RNLI are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.
  • Year 6 participate in a range of transition activities that develop their life skills, awareness of dangers within society and keeping themselves safe, prior to moving on to secondary school.

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Individual Liberty
To begin to support and respect the liberties within the law:
  • All our children are treated as individuals at St. Andrew’s and are encouraged to acknowledge and exercise their rights and freedoms as well as those of others
  • Our School Parliament members meet regularly and provide a pupil voice for the school.
  • St. Andrew’s strives to provide an environment in which all members of our community can voice their opinions in a safe environment and one in which they can enjoy respect
  • Whether it is the choice of learning challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices.
  • St. Andrew’s has a Behaviour and Discipline Policy and an Anti-Bullying Policy, thus supporting and actively promoting the concept of individual liberty, thereby ensuring that all members of our community are able to develop their abilities and appreciate the importance of informed decisions and the consequences of their actions

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Mutual Respect
To begin to develop mutual respect:
  • St. Andrew’s strives to ensure that all members of our community appreciate the effect that their actions may have on themselves and on others. To this end, mutual respect features strongly in our school aims and in our ethos here at St. Andrew’s.
  • Our vision for every member of our community is that they will be the best that they can be. This aim is supported by everything that we do through the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and through enrichment programmes and the ways in which we treat each other.
  • Discriminatory or extremist opinions or behaviours are challenged as a matter of routine.
  • We aim to live our motto: To Inspire, Challenge and Achieve Together with respect as a central theme.

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Tolerance of those of different faiths & Beliefs
To begin to develop respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs:
  • At St. Andrew’s we are proud of the diversity in our school community.
  • All members of our community benefit from the richness which different faiths, colours, races and creeds bring to the school thereby developing a better understanding of how to take their place in a culturally diverse society in the United Kingdom.
  • Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes.
  • The RE, PSCHE and the Assembly themes, all serve to support this aim and contribute positively to the SMSC experience our children enjoy.
  • At St. Andrew’s we will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.

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